Monday, March 31, 2014

Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 book by CADCIM Technologies

CADCIM Technologies, a pioneer in the field of CAD/CAM/CAE books, announces the release of Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 for Designers book by Prof. Sham Tickoo, Purdue University Calumet, USA and CADCIM Technologies on 21st March, 2014.

Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 book has been written with an intention to assist engineers, engineering students, and practicing designers new to the field of FEM and CAE. The book covers FEA concepts, modeling, and analysis of engineering problems using Autodesk Simulation Mechanical. In addition, enough theoretical background is offered to allow individuals to use Autodesk Simulation Mechanical as simulation package. Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 book covers Static Stress Analysis, Natural Frequency (Modal) Analysis, Frequency Response Analysis, Transient Stress Analysis, and Non-linear Analysis.

For detailed information about the textbook and its table of contents, please 


The textbook is priced at $39 only, consists of 472 pages, and comes with the following Free Teaching and Learning Resources for the faculty members and students:

Technical support by contacting
  • Customizable PowerPoint Presentations of every chapter. (For faculty only).
  • Part files of all illustrations, tutorials, and exercises.
  • Instructor’s Guide providing solution to all review questions and instructions to create models for exercises (For faculty only).

Salient Features of Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 book
  • Detailed explanation of Autodesk Simulation Mechanical 2014 commands and tools
  • More than 30 real-world mechanical engineering designs used as tutorials and projects with step-by-step explanation
  • Emphasis on Why and How with explanation
  • Tips and Notes throughout the textbook
  • 472 pages with heavily illustrated text
  • Self-Evaluation tests and exercises at the end of each chapter 
For more info. click here

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