Tuesday, February 24, 2015


The SOLIDWORKS 2015 for Designers textbook by Prof. Sham Tickoo of Purdue University and CADCIM Technologies is a comprehensive textbook that introduces the users to SOLIDWORKS 2015, a feature-based 3D parametric solid modeling software. The textbook covers all major environments of SOLIDWORKS 2015 with a thorough explanation of all tools, options, and their applications to create real-world products. In this textbook, about 60 mechanical engineering industry examples are used as tutorials and an additional 46 as exercises to ensure that the users can relate their knowledge and understand the design techniques used in the industry. 

 SOLIDWORKS 2015 for Designers textbook has been written to help the users who are interested in learning 3D design. This textbook is written with the learn-by-doing theme and the tutorial point of view. Real-world mechanical engineering industry examples and tutorials have been used to ensure that the users can relate the knowledge of this textbook with the actual mechanical industry designs.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    SOLIDWORKS 2015 for Designers book is written to help the readers effectively use the modeling and assembly tools by utilizing the parametric and feature based approach of SOLIDWORKS 2015. This book provides detailed description of the tools that are commonly used in modeling, assembly, and sheet metal as well as in surfacing. The SOLIDWORKS 2015 for Designers book further elaborates on the procedure of generating the drawings of a model or assembly, which are used for documentation of a model or assembly.CAE technologiesCADCIM Technologies conceives, designs, and produces online training modules on CAD/CAM/CAE.CADCIM Technologies provides consultancy services on CAD/CAM/CAE.


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