Advanced AutoCAD 2024: A Problem-Solving Approach, 3D and Advanced, 27th Edition

The Advanced AutoCAD 2024: A Problem Solving Approach, 3D and Advanced book contains detailed explanation of AutoCAD commands and their applications to solve design problems.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Carbon3D Unveils CLIP 3D Printing Technology

Carbon3D unveil a new 3D printing technology which is 25-100 times faster than the technology available today. Carbon3D is a Redwood city, California based company founded in 2013, changes the technology of 3d printing.  CLIP (Continuous liquid interface production technology) works on harnessing the power to light and oxygen to cure a photosensitive resin. CLIP is a breakthrough technology that grows parts instead of printing them layer...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Microsoft HoloLens: An Amazing Technology

Microsoft has introduced a new technology that seamlessly blends high definition holograms with real world. In this technology, a device called Microsoft HoloLens –a cordless smart glasses self-contained Windows 10 unit, is used to interact with holograms that represent your 2D or 3D physical objects [apps, folders, files, etc.]. You can pin your applications, files, etc. at any location in the physical space such as on floor, walls and can operate...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Download Free Books: Pro/ENGINEER for Designer and SolidWorks for Designers Release 2003 (Free Download Chapters)

Pro/ENGINEER for Designers Pro/ENGINEER for Designer is a book that is written with an intent of helping the people who are into 3D design. This book is written with the tutorial point of view with learn-by-doing as the theme. The mechanical engineering industry examples and tutorials are used in this book to ensure that the...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

NX CAM: Variable Contour operation with Streamline Drive Method

Variable Contour Operation remove the material along the contour surface of the part. The tool axis constantly changes its orientation as it move along the tool path. The Streamline drive method builds an implied drive surface from the selected geometry. Streamline enables completely flexible tool path creation. A well ordered grid of regular faces is not required.  ...