Saturday, March 14, 2015

Microsoft HoloLens: An Amazing Technology

Microsoft has introduced a new technology that seamlessly blends high definition holograms with real world. In this technology, a device called Microsoft HoloLens –a cordless smart glasses self-contained Windows 10 unit, is used to interact with holograms that represent your 2D or 3D physical objects [apps, folders, files, etc.]. You can pin your applications, files, etc. at any location in the physical space such as on floor, walls and can operate them through physical gesture just like you do with mouse pointer on the computer or by using voice commands.

Microsoft HoloLens uses advanced sensors, a high-definition 3D optical head-mounted display, and spatial sound to allow for augmented reality applications, with a natural user interface that the user interacts with through gaze, voice, and hand gestures.

For more information:

Hologram is an object like any other physical object in the real world, difference is only that hologram is entirely made of light instead of real physical matter. Hologram can be seen from different angle and distance just like the real physical object. But they can’t be give you feeling like the real physical object when you push them or touch them. Because they don’t have any mass because they are made from light. The Hologram can represent you digital objects in 2D and 3D just like any other physical objects. The Microsoft HoloLens can be used to see the Hologram and u can build, edit and move the shapes of hologram. Hologram gives you the feeling of objects in real world environment in digital manner.

Microsoft Hololens creates the multi-dimensional image of the holograms so that they can be viewed from any direction in the physical world. You can pinned any hologram objects at any location in this physical world and you can retrieved them anytime at that locations. 

Holographic experiences with Microsoft hololens are different from the existing technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). In the Augmented reality the users see the screen of data that overlays the real world. This can be depend on the user location where the camera is pointed. With the Virtual Reality (VR) the user is completely immersed with the computer generated reality and user is advised to be seated and avoid the collision with the physical world. But in the Holographic experience with the Microsoft Hololens is a mixed reality experience that enable you to enjoy digital life while staying more connect with the real physical world around you. 

The Holograms will change the things that you do every day and enable to do many things that you have not done before. Microsoft Hololense blends the holograms with the real world physical object to interact more with your interaction and commands. Your digital data will be real as physical objects in the world so it can become a practical tool of your daily life

Image source : Microsoft  

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