Friday, November 22, 2019

SOLIDWORKS 2020 Hot Keys To Help You Save Your Time

SOLIDWORKS is known for its mouse gesture functionality. However, you can also use keyboard shortcuts to invoke some tools, windows, dialog boxes, and so on.

Solidworks 2019

These keys are known as hotkeys and help you save your time and enhance productivity.

Hot Key  Function 
F11  Full screen 
S  Invokes the shortcut bar 
R  Invokes the recent documents 
F  Fits the object in the drawing over the screen 
Z  Zooms out 
SPACE BAR  Invokes the Orientation menu 
CTRL+1  Changes the current view to the Front View 
CTRL+2 Changes the current view to the Back 
CTRL+3  Changes the current view to the Left View 
CTRL+4  Changes the current view to the Right View 
CTRL+5  Changes the current view to the Top View 
CTRL+6  Changes the current view to the Bottom View 
CTRL+7  Changes the current view to the Isometric View 
CTRL+8  Changes the current view to the Normal View 
CTRL+SHIFT+Z  Changes the current view to the Previous View 
CTRL+Arrows  Moves the feature along the arrows direction 
SHIFT+Arrows  Rotates the feature along the arrows direction 
CTRL+B  Rebuilds the model 
CTRL+Z  Invokes the Undo tool 
CTRL+N  Invokes the New SOLIDWORKS Document dialog box 
CTRL+O  Invokes the Open window 
CTRL+S  Saves the document 
CTRL+P  Prints the document 
CTRL+A  Selects all the parts in the document 
CTRL+C  Copies the selected feature 
CTRL+V  Pastes the selected feature 
CTRL+X Cuts the selected feature 
ALT+F  Opens the File menu 
ALT+E  Opens the Edit menu 
ALT+V  Opens the View menu 
ALT+I  Opens the Insert menu 
ALT+T  Opens the Tool menu 
A L T + W  Opens the Window menu 
ALT+H Opens the Help menu 
CTRL+W  Closes the current document

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